Mitsuyasu Watanabe
President and COO
I greet you on behalf of the Board of Directors as Chairperson of the Board.
OSAKI ELECTRIC places great importance on the interests of shareholders and stakeholders, and recognises that the enhancement of corporate governance is an essential management issue in the long-term maximisation of corporate value. We are making constant improvements to elevate management efficiency and transparency, and achieve fairness.
Within the Company’s corporate governance, the Board of Directors is a body that assesses the overall direction and strategy of the business, as well as deciding on matters stipulated by law and important management matters, and oversees the status of the execution of business operations.
The Board of Directors consists of 7 directors, three of whom are independent directors. The independent directors provide advice on overall management, strengthening decision-making and supervision. The Board is regularly evaluated to ensure the Company is being run properly. In order to have a good balance between the Board’s supervision and executive decision-making, we have introduced "Executive Officer" system in June 2020.
In February 2019, the Company established a Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee to serve as an advisory body to the Board. The committee strengthens the fairness and transparency of relevant procedures. We are also appointing directors with global perspectives. We are improving internal systems and workplace environments to make it easier for women to work, and are actively recruiting female employees, including for management positions.
The Company has a Board of Corporate Auditors consisting of four auditors, two of whom are independent officers. The auditors provide a check function from outside the company that ensures the objectivity and neutrality of management oversight.
We shall continue to improve our corporate governance and increase our corporate value. In these endeavours, I ask for your warm guidance and encouragement.