The OSAKI Group ensures the quality and safety of products and services. We promote fair and appropriate transactions with business partners and socially responsible procurement.
The OSAKI Group places the highest priority on ensuring the quality and safety of its products and services. We engage in sincere dialogue on products and services to maintain the trust of our customers.
We are a responsible supplier of products and services that are widely used throughout society. It is our social mission to provide a stable supply of products and services.
The OSAKI Group makes continuous improvements in quality-related activities. In 1996, OSAKI obtained ISO 9001 quality management certification. As of 2019, we have obtained ISO 9001: 2015 certification for design, development and manufacturing at the Research & Development and Manufacturing Divisions, and IWATE OSAKI ELECTRIC.
On 23rd February 1999, OSAKI ELECTRIC became the first
manufacturer in Japan designated by the Ministry of
Economy, Trade and Industry. As a designated manufacturer, OSAKI ELECTRIC ships out self-inspected products with a guaranteed quality equal to the certification of the Japanese Electric Meters Inspection Corporation.
The OSAKI Group conducts procurement with the emphasis on fair and free competition, transparent transaction and an awareness of our social responsibility. The Group also maintains a sound relationship with government agencies for the following two matters.
Product liability management
We act in full compliance with the Product Liability Act and promote product safety measures, the prevention of accidents and the taking of appropriate measures in the event of an accident group-wide.
Security export control
OSAKI Group has established a Security Export Control Committee headed by the president. The Committee is composed of administrative, sales and technical departments, and is responsible for developing regulations, reviewing and approving export transactions, and providing Group companies with guidance.