OSAKI respects diversity in the workplace and encourages its employees to play an active role in promoting a fair and transparent work environment. Employees have access to development programmes for advancing their careers.
We respect diversity in the workplace and strictly forbid any form of prejudice based on race, nationality, gender or age and any other forms of disrespect against diversity.
Supporting increased participation of female employees
As an equal opportunity employer, OSAKI ELECTRIC is strengthening the recruitment of women.
Goal 1: By 31st March, 2021, to have a ratio of female employees of 17%, compared to 12% in 2016.
Goal 2: Provide managers and supervisors with awareness-raising education on career development, diversity and work-life for female employees, achieve a 100% participation rate in the programme and cultivate awareness and culture.
OSAKI ELECTRIC makes continuous efforts to improve the work environment so that all employees can make full use of their abilities. The company is promoting a healthy work-life balance through the following initiatives.
Parenting and nursing care support
Employee benefits include paternal and nursing care leave, and exemption from or restrictions on overtime work for parent employees.
Reducing overtime
Measures are taken to reduce overtime work including no-overtime days.
As part of occupational safety and health measures, a stress check system has been established to raise awareness and support coping with stress. Stress check manuals have been issued, and under a stress check plan and schedule, surveys are conducted by the company’s occupational physicians and public health nurses.
As part of the company’s educational programme,
language training is conducted in London and Singapore.
Employees attend language schools and receive practical work experience at a local Group company. The programme is designed to cultivate a global sense acquired through diverse experiences as well as improve international communication skills and the ability to adapt to different cultures.